Since 1977
Since 1977
From its humble beginnings, PLS has provided superior wireline services with an impeccable safety record. All employees are very experienced, highly versatile and motivated to bringing the best services and value to all of our customers. We specialize in cased hole logging, with a major focus on Radioactive Tracer Surveys for E.P.A./State M.I.T. compliance. Though our major focus is Radioactive Tracer Surveys, we also specialize in all types of cased hole logging, perforating and pipe recovery. We work with customers in helping to facilitate the best course of action for any type of scenario, on all types of jobs. With a portable mast, cranes and workover rigs are not always necessary for rig up operations, but can be used in conjunction with them, if the job calls for it. For any questions, quotes or consulting services, please call, text or email any of our employees listed in the contact information.
(435)-789-6940 (24/7)
Rod Pumps
Electrical Submersible Pumps
Open Hole
Water Hold-Up Surveys
Radioactive Density Surveys
High Resolution Surface Readout Pressure Surveys
Step Rate Testing
Spinner Surveys
Correlation Surveys
Gamma-Ray Surveys
X/Y Caliper Surveys
Noise Surveys
Cement Bond Logging
Single Zone
Multiple Zone
Open Hole
Annular Surveys
Water and Gas (CO2; Natural; Nitrogen)
E.P.A./State M.I.T. Compliance (see E.P.A./State M.I.T. Compliance page for more info)
Wireline Set Packers
Wireline Set C.I.B.P.’s 2-3/8” tbg. - 7” csg.
Dump Bail Cement
Pipe Recovery:
Free Point
Tubing Jet Cutters
Tubing Chemical Cutters
String Shot
1-3/8” Tubing Guns to 4” Casing guns
Squeeze Holes
Circulating Holes
Casing Perforations
Channel Detection
Mechanical Integrity: Packers; Liners; Casing Shoe; Top Perf.
Lost Circulation
Disposal Wells (see E.P.A./M.I.T. Compliance page for more info)
Warrior Data Acquisition Software
Reduced O.D. Tools - 1”, 1-3/8”, 1-11/16”
5000 P.S.I. pressure rating
Grease Injection/Well Fluid Containment
Portable Derrick - Workover Rig/Crane not required for most wells
Slickline Unit
Braided Line
High Pressure Capability - 5000 P.S.I. working pressure
Injection Valve Work
Gas Lift Valve Work
Tubing Plugs - Full line of Otis & Baker Plugs
Tubing Broaches
Wax Cutting
Gauge Rings
Impression Blocks
Fishing Tools
Hydraulic Pump Retrieval
Sand Bailing
Pressure Surveys - Electronic Memory Gauges
Reduced O.D. Tools - 1”, 1-3/8”, 1-11/16”
5000 P.S.I. pressure rating
Grease Injection/Well Fluid Containment
Portable Derrick - Workover Rig/Crane not required for most wells
Depending on the class of injection well in operation, federal and state agencies often require M.I.T. - Mechanical Integrity Tests to be performed periodically. There are standards for M.I.T.’s, but it isn’t always a “one size fits all” and PLS specializes in helping the customer to design and execute whatever M.I.T. best fits and meets all requirements set by the governing agency. We mainly work under E.P.A. Region 8, but travel anywhere we are needed. We have experience with geothermal power generation injection wells and offshore platform injection wells, also.
The E.P.A. has strict guidelines on what is to be included in the M.I.T. test and designing a program to meet these guidelines can sometimes be confusing. PLS has extensive experience working under the E.P.A. Region 8 M.I.T. guidelines and we work with customers on designing and executing a program that meets all requirements set by the E.P.A.
There are two parts to the M.I.T.
PART I - INTERNAL MECHANICAL INTEGRITY is an assurance that there are no significant leaks in the casing/tubing/packer system. This is typically accomplished by doing an annular pressure test. See E.P.A. guidance regulation website for more details.
PART II - EXTERNAL MECHANICAL INTEGRITY demonstrates that after fluid is injected into the formation, the injected fluids will not migrate out of the authorized injection interval through vertical channels adjacent to the wellbore. This is typically accomplished by temperature logging and/or radioactive tracer logging. See E.P.A. guidance regulation website for more details or call/text/email a PLS representative for help.
Part II - Temperature Logging - https://www.epa.gov/uic/region-8-temperature-logging-guidelines
Radioactive Tracer Logging - https://www.epa.gov/uic/region-8-radioactive-tracer-survey-guidelines
If not regulated by the E.P.A., whatever state the well is operating in, is governed by the state. State standards must meet or exceed E.P.A. standards, so often times, a state program will closely mimic E.P.A. standard guidelines. PLS will work with you, the customer and the governing state agency to design a program to satisfy all requirements.
Geothermal power generation requires underground water injection, which is regulated by the state or E.P.A., depending on the location of the well. PLS has extensive experience working in geothermal injection wells and designing a program to demonstrate sufficient mechanical integrity. PLS also has experience in partnering with offshore wireline companies to service injection wells on offshore platforms. Again, depending on the location of the platform, they fall under state or federal regulation. For assistance on designing a program or for questions regarding a project proposal, please contact a PLS representative via phone/text/email.
Jim Smolen and Bill Ott Cement Evaluation and Remediation workbook.